If you have large trees growing in your garden, you will need to have them tidied up from time to time.  Your local tree services company is best qualified to carry out this job, but you'll need to make sure that your trees are properly cared for after the work has been done.

Here's some advice on aftercare for your trees following a visit from the tree services company:

Tree lopping recovery basics

It is necessary to periodically have the branches of large trees lopped or pruned.  Sometimes this is for the benefit of the tree or may be because its branches are damaged or dangerously overhanging property.

When tree branches are cut, wounds are created that can provide convenient entry points for disease.  After pruning or lopping, trees do naturally seal off these wounds to protect themselves.  Fresh tissue then grows over the wounded area effectively shielding the tree from disease and decay.  When wood is removed from a tree, the branch collar should be left in place.  This is the area where the tree branch is attached to the trunk.  Leaving the collar behind makes it easier for the tree to seal the wound.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not necessary to apply a wound dressing to a freshly pruned tree.  It was traditionally thought that the application of oil-based, tar dressings would prevent decay, stop insect infestation and ward off disease; however this has been scientifically disproved.

Applying a sticky sealant to a wounded branch just seals in the decay and moisture; prevents new wood from forming, and can actually act as food for damaging pathogens.  Any dressing that's applied will eventually just dry out and crack, opening up an entry channel for diseases. The tree will protect itself naturally, but if you are concerned that insects could reach the wounded branches of fruit trees, use sticky, insect trap strips around the tree's trunk.


Pruning and lopping does cause trees considerable stress.  Recovery can be assisted by providing the tree with a good drink of water.  Regular post-pruning watering is also important to help support the growth of new shoots that will develop as the tree recovers.

It's a good idea to provide a small amount of fertiliser following pruning as this will help the growth of new wound-closing tissue.  Use a fork to till the soil around the base of the tree to promote good air circulation, relieve compaction and allow the fertiliser to reach the tree's roots.

In conclusion

It's necessary to periodically have your trees pruned or lopped.  Thoughtful aftercare will ensure that your trees recover well from their 'surgery'.  
